@ 6:00 p.m., October 14, 2016 – Event Page
Dr. Chizuko Ueno
Sociologist, Ritsumeikan University Distinguished Professor, University of Tokyo Professor Emerita, Chief Director of Women’s Action Network WAN (authorized non-profit organization)
Born Toyama Prefecture in 1948, Professor Ueno completed a PhD in Sociology at Kyoto University, and then took a post as associate professor at Heian Jogakuin University. She has served as a visiting scholar in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Chicago, an associate professor at Kyoto Seika University, and a visiting associate professor at the International Research Centre for Japanese Studies (Nichibunken). She has also been a visiting professor at the University of Bonn and Columbia University.
In 1993, Dr. Ueno became an assistant professor of sociology in the Department of Literature at the University of Tokyo, and a professor in the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology from 1995 to 2011. Beginning in 2011, she has acted as chief director of the NPO “Women’s Action Network (WAN).”
Professor Ueno’s pioneering work on gender and women’s studies has opened up the field and offered useful theoretical frameworks. Her recent work engages with the challenges and issues surrounding caregiving and aging.
Awards include the Suntory Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities in 1994 for The Establishment and Demise of the Modern Family and an Asahi Prize in 2012 for her scholarly contributions to the fields of women’s studies, feminism, and care of the elderly.
Recent publications include:
The Political Science of Difference (Iwanami Shoten, 2015)
Survival Ideology (Iwanami Shoten, 2012)
Towards a Needs-focused Welfare Society (co-authored with Nakanishi Seiji; Igaku Shoin, 2008)
Elder Care: Its Ideology and Practice (co-edited, 6 vols.; Iwanami Shoten, 2008)
Ueno Chizuko on Socioliterary Criticism (Asahi Shimbun, 2003)
Individual Autonomy (co-authored with Nakanishi Seiji; Iwanami Shoten, 2003)
Chizuko Ueno, 上野千鶴子
『上野千鶴子が文学を社会学する』(朝日新聞社)、『差異の政治学』『生き延びるための思想』(岩波書店)、『当事者主権』(中西正司と共著、岩波新書)、『ニーズ中心の福祉社会へ』(中西正司と共編、医学書院)『岩波シリーズ ケア その思想と実践』(共編著、全6巻、岩波書店)、『世代間連帯』(辻元清美と共著、岩波新書)、『家族を容れるハコ 家族を超えるハコ』(平凡社)、『老いる準備』(学陽書房)、『おひとりさまの老後』『男おひとりさま道』(法研)、『ひとりの午後に』(NHK出版)、『女ぎらい』(紀伊國屋書店)、『女は後半からがおもしろい』(坂東眞理子と共著、潮出版)、『結婚帝国』(信田さよ子と共著、河出書房)、『不惑のフェミニズム』(岩波現代新書)、『ケアの社会学』(太田出版)、鼎談『フェミニズムの時代を生きて』(岩波現代文庫)、『現代思想 総特集 上野千鶴子』(青土社)、DVDブック『生き延びるための思想』(講談社)、『ナショナリズムとジェンダー』(岩波現代文庫)、『生き延びるための思想』(岩波現代文庫)、『快楽上等』(幻冬舎)、『みんな「おひとりさま」』(青灯社)、『上野千鶴子が聞く 小笠原先生、ひとりで家で死ねますか?』(朝日新聞出版)『身の下相談にお答えします』(朝日新聞出版)『<おんなの思想> 私たちはあなたを忘れない』(集英社インターナショナル)『女たちのサバイバル作戦』(文藝春秋)、『ニッポンが変わる、女が変える』(中央公論新社)、『上野千鶴子の選憲論』(集英社新書)など著書多数。近刊に『何を怖れる』(岩波書店・共著)、『老い方上手』(WAVE出版・共著)、『ケアのカリスマたち 看取りを支えるプロフェッショナル』(亜紀書房)、対談集『思想をかたちにする』『セクシュアリティをことばにする』(いずれも青土社)、『非婚ですが、それが何か?』(ビジネス社・対談集)。『おひとりさまの最期』(朝日新聞出版)、最新刊に『上野千鶴子のサバイバル語録』(文藝春秋社)。